Be The King Wiki
Be The King Wiki


For each retainer there are four attributes.

Strength - Increases damage for the retainer in Campaign, Dungeon, Challenge, Evil Queen etc.

Intelligence - Increases coin gain from business management. Coin is used to level retainers as well as in the Trading area

Politics - Increases crops gain from agriculture management. Crops is used in the Visiting area as well as cost to recruit troops.

Charisma - Increases troop gain from recruitment. This is used in the Campaign area as well as Challenges.

You can boost each of these attributes through a variety of methods.


Aptitude is the core property of the retainers. The higher aptitude your retainer has, the more attritubes you gain per level. The attributes of the retainer contributes to your total power. Two main ways to increase the aptitude of a retainer is through using scrolls (Scroll of Enhancements: STR / INT / CHAR / POL), or through the Academy.

Aptitude books with higher grade (more stars) have more difficulty for level-up as they bring more attributes in return. The aptitude given for level-up is the same as the stars number of the book.

Approx Attribute Per Apitude = Retainer Level * (Retainer Level/10) * Aptitude

Atk Formula = (5000 * Level * STR Apt) + STR Attribute

Stars % Success
1 100%
2 50%
3 33%
4 25%
5 20%
6 17%
7 15%
8 13%
9 11%
10 10%

Scroll % Rates[]

Below are the succes rates based on scroll usage. It is not guaranteed %s as its all based on statistics and probability. You can determine based on chance which Star Books are best to boost.

10 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 10 Scrolls


10 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 10 10 10 10
2 50% 5 5 10 10
3 33% 3.3 4 9 12
4 25% 2.5 3 10 12
5 20% 2 2 10 10
6 16% 1.6 2 9 12
7 15% 1.5 2 10 14
8 13% 1.3 2 10 16
9 11% 1.1 2 9 18
10 10% 1 1 10 10

20 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 20 Scrolls


20 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 20 20 20 20
2 50% 10 10 20 20
3 33% 6.6 7 19 21
4 25% 5 5 20 20
5 20% 4 4 20 20
6 16% 3.2 4 19 24
7 15% 3 3 21 21
8 13% 2.6 3 20 24
9 11% 2.2 3 19 27
10 10% 2 2 20 20

40 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 40 Scrolls


40 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 40 40 40 40
2 50% 20 20 40 40
3 33% 13.2 14 39 42
4 25% 10 10 40 40
5 20% 8 8 40 40
6 16% 6.4 7 38 42
7 15% 6 6 42 42
8 13% 5.2 6 41 48
9 11% 4.4 5 39 45
10 10% 4 4 40 40

60 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 60 Scrolls


60 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 60 60 60 60
2 50% 30 30 60 60
3 33% 19.8 20 59 60
4 25% 15 15 60 60
5 20% 12 12 60 60
6 16% 9.6 10 57 60
7 15% 9 9 63 63
8 13% 7.8 8 62 64
9 11% 6.6 7 59 63
10 10% 6 6 60 60

80 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 80 Scrolls


80 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 80 80 80 80
2 50% 40 40 80 80
3 33% 26.4 27 79 81
4 25% 20 20 80 80
5 20% 16 16 80 80
6 16% 12.8 13 76 78
7 15% 12 12 84 84
8 13% 10.4 11 83 88
9 11% 8.8 9 79 81
10 10% 8 8 80 80

100 Scrolls[]

Stars % Success 100 Scrolls


100 Round^ Low Points High Points
1 100% 100 100 100 100
2 50% 50 50 100 100
3 33% 33 33 99 99
4 25% 25 25 100 100
5 20% 20 20 100 100
6 16% 16 16 96 96
7 15% 15 15 105 105
8 13% 13 13 104 104
9 11% 11 11 99 99
10 10% 10 10 100 100